If not now, when?

"If not now, when?" is attributed to Rabbi Hillel: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Why Kerry knew less about the Iraq threat than Bush

It is not reasonable to think that Bush and Kerry had the same amount of information prior to the war with Iraq. The president is privy to the most classified of information. The president has a much better picture of foreign situations than any senator. So the Bushies' tactic of comparing Kerry's vote on Iraq with Bush's decision to wage war ("I know you are, but what am I") just doesn't add up. Mr. Bush had more information and better information, more highly classified intelligence reports and better teams of staff working on that intelligence, than Senator Kerry had.

And this spin is eagerly accepted by the people who, like the president, can't handle the possibility that we went to war in error. Good people who bought Bush's rationale for war and now don't want to contemplate the magnitude of the error--and the realization that they were duped.


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