If not now, when?

"If not now, when?" is attributed to Rabbi Hillel: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Friday, September 02, 2005

Minimum wage v. Substantial gainful activity

First of all, we need this reference point: Minimum wage is $5.15/hr = 10712/yr = 892.67/month

Let's compare that to what Bob and I have just learned when he filed for disability.

First, in order to quality as "disabled" by the Social Security Administration, you have to be completely disabled--no partial disability need apply. The guidelines say, "If you are working in 2005 and your earnings average more than $830 a month, you generally cannot be considered disabled." In other words, the "Social Security Disability Threshold" for "substantial gainful activity" is $830/month.

Conversely, a person (like Bob) CAN be considered totally disabled by the federal government and still earn $829/month.

Do I need to point out that there is less than $65/month difference between what the government considers a minimum wage and what that same government considers the threshold for totally disabled with regard to work?

And we blame people for not moving out of poverty? We blame mothers for going on welfare rather than supporting their kids on minimum wage, when that minimum wage is only $65/month more than "insubstantial" gainful activity?


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