If not now, when?

"If not now, when?" is attributed to Rabbi Hillel: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Monday, September 05, 2005

Before you blame FEMA and Homeland Security--follow the money

Since the Katrina fiasca, many people have pointed out that Bush slashed FEMA's budget. Not so many have commented on the lack of funding for Homeland Security, which has subsumed FEMA since Homeland Security was created in 2002. Remember, Bush initially opposed the creation of Homeland Security--and once he was forced to create it, he did not fund it, and in fact, reduced funding for FEMA.

Although U.S. citizens are given the impression that Homeland Security has made us safer than we were before 9/11, the problem is money. And the evidence is in the fiasco of the response to Katrina.

The federal response to a hurricane or to the break in the levy is the SAME as the response the federal government would be able to make if the levy had been broken by terrorists. It's a likely terrorist plot--WHY WASN'T THERE A FEDERAL PLAN OF ACTION IN THE EVENT OF A TERRORIST ATTACK ON NEW ORLEANS?

The Bush administration's tactic is to blame the workers, not the management, and we have another example of this right now. Just as with prisoner abuse, the Bush administration is trying to say that the Katrina fiasca was the result of a few bad apples at the local level.

Not so. This is the result of policy from the highest levels of the administration. They want to sedate the populace with the appearance of safety, but they don't intend to fund the facade.

It's about propaganda, always it's about propaganda. It's about dancin' a little sidestep whenever the shit hits the fan.

Ooh, I love to dance a little sidestep
Now they see me, now they don’t --I’ve come and gone
And ooh, I love to sweep around the wide step
Cut a little swath and lead the people on
Now my good friends
It behooves me
To be solemn and declare
I’m for goodness and for profit
And for living clean and saying daily prayer
And now my good friends
You can sleep nights
I’ll continue to stand tall
You can trust me
For I promise I shall keep a watchful eye upon y’all
Ooh, I love to dance a little sidestep
Now they see me, now they don’t--I’ve come and gone
And ooh, I love to sweep around the wide step
Cut a little swath and lead the people on
Excerpt from "The Sidestep," by Carol Hall for The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"


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