If not now, when?

"If not now, when?" is attributed to Rabbi Hillel: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Who's winning?

The Democrats are winning because they aren't being tempted into damnation.

When Mr. Bush can't come up with any better "solution" to social security's problems than preaching to the choir about private accounts, it's time to say, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Because that's no solution, and the people don't like it, and he's not addressing the people who need to be convinced. He's just biding his time, waiting for the Democrats to stumble into the trap. Because the first party to bring up raising taxes or cutting benefits is the loser. So Bush continues to stump to the faithful, waiting for the Democrats to say it. But all they're saying is, "Get thee behind me, Satan." That leaves Republicans in the fallback position of accusing the Democrats of having no solution, which is just another attempt to lead the Dems into temptation. But the Dems lay low. Eventually the Reps will have to bring it up themselves or look like they can't lead.

And as for judicial appointments, clearly Mr. Bush was hoping to lead the Dems into temptation when he renominated the candidates that had been filibustered before during the previous session. That should drive the Dems crazy! But the Dems lay low. The Senate Republicans said, "Don't make me have to get nucular on your ass." The Dems said, "Get thee behind me, Satan. You can have your appellate judges, and we'll lay low until the next Supreme Court vacancy." Now the Reps look weak, and the Dems are looking stronger every day.

Here's what we say in Texas: Fool me once--shame on you! But fool me twice--shame on me! That's the one Mr. Bush doesn't get, but it looks like the Democrats do.


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